
1、主 题:Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the incompressible compressible nematic liquid crystal flows in R3
时 间:2014年11月3日(周一)9:00
地 点:松江校区理学院楼331报告厅

2、主 题:Aqueous Nanogels: from Chemical Design to Multifunctional Materials
主讲人:Andrij Pich
时 间:2014年11月3日(周一)9:30
地 点:松江校区四号学院楼3083室
主讲人简介:Andrij Pich, Lichtenberg-Professor for Functional and Interactive Polymers of DWI-Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials and Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, RWTH-Aachen University, Germany. In 2001, he got his doctor's degree from Dresden University of Technology, Germany. Then, he worked at Dresden University of Technology, as a staff scientist during 2001-2008. Dr. Pich had won the Young Scientist Award, and Georg-Manecke-Prize. In 2009, Dr. Pich obtained the Lichtenberg Professorship for Functional and Interactive Polymers. Since then, he works at Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University. Prof. Pich interests in the research of the Reactive functional polymers, stimuli-responsive colloids, nano- and microgels, hybrid and composite particles, interactive materials. So far, he has published 120 papers and 7 Patents.

3、主 题:Biomaterials design to control local tissue mechanics and interrupt pathological tissue remodeling
主讲人:William R. Wagner
时 间:2014年11月3日(周一)10:00
地 点:松江校区图文信息中心第三报告厅
主讲人简介:匹兹堡大学生物工程系、化学工程系、外科学系教授,匹兹堡大学McGowan再生医学研究所主任,美国人工心脏和肺血栓形成研究项目主任,美国国家科学基金会工程 “Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials” 研究中心副主任。Wagner教授是Acta Biomaterial的创始主编和总编辑,同时也是Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine等期刊编辑;曾任美国人造器官学会主席(2010-2011),美国生物医学工程学会副主席(2000);Biomedical Engineering Society, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society, American Heart Association学会委员。2006年度科学美国50人入选者,美国国家健康研究院(NIH)再生医学方向专家组成员;拥有多项授权专利,连续四年荣获匹兹堡大学创新奖(2007-2010)。2011年,他被生物材料协会授予Clemson应用研究奖。

4、主 题:Controllability of fluid flows
主讲人:Jean-Pierre Puel
时 间:2014年11月3日(周一)10:00
地 点:松江校区理学院楼331报告厅
内容摘要: This presentation will give an overview on the controllability for fluid flows. There will be no technical proof.First of all we will describe in an abstract situation the various concepts of controllability for evolution equations.We will then present some problems and results concerning the controllability of systems modeling fluid flows.First of all we will consider the Euler equation describing the motion of an incompressible inviscid fluid.Then we will give some results concerning the Navier-Stokes equations, modeling an incompressible viscous fluid, and some related systems, in particular the case of what is called Lagrangian control and which might lead to a lot of developments.Finally, we will present a first result of controllability for the case of a compressible fluid (in dimension 1) and some important open problems.

5、主 题:国家治理现代化与社会转型
时 间:2014年11月3日(周一)18:00
地 点:松江校区图文信息大楼第二报告厅

6、主 题:Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering for Soft Materials
时 间:2014年11月4日(周二)15:00
地 点:松江校区材料学院C321室

7、主 题:大学里你准备学什么?
时 间:2014年11月4日(周二)18:00
地 点:松江校区图文信息大楼第一报告厅